Carrie-Anne Philbin explains computers from the ground up in this 41 lecture video series. Each video is less than 15 minutes. Very well presented. Learn how the logic gates are built from electronic switches. I loved it.
A great summary for those - like me - who haven't found the time to read the book. 46 Minutes
This 2+ hour video brough back all that Assembler programming that I had once done on the 6502 in my Apple IIe computer in the late 80ies. A great introduction. Introduces you to the cpulator CPU simulator in a browser. It helped me make sense of the Compiler Explorer.
Very interesting application of Logic programming to solving Sudoku puzzles. 31min
Dylan Beattie - The Art of Code, 1h
I did the "Wizard Book" during the Covid pandemic with a Meetup group. It was a huge amount of work. Brian Harvey's 42 50 minute videos helped. I leared so much about Functional Programming, OO, Message Passing, Client/Server, Streams, Logic Programming and Register Machines! Thank you!
This guy took his kids up a mountain with 3 atomic clocks and his wife aged 22 nanoseconds less than they did (around minute 46)
I'm so impressed!
Take away spoiler: You can't validate email addresses. You can check if there is an @ sign in there and then send a test email with a code there. If the recipient got the email and sends you back the code it is a valid email address else it is not. YouTube video